Indoor activities for you and your dog

The cold season often brings cosy hours inside our homes. However, while we stay warm and cosy indoors, we shouldn't forget that our furry friends, are still looking for mental and physical activity. Below are some creative ways to keep your furry friend busy indoors during the cold months:

1. the game of hide and seek

Materials you will need:

1. treats or dog snacks:You will need small treats or dog snacks that your dog likes to eat. Make sure they are safe and digestible for your dog.

2. time and patience: The game of hide and seek requires some time and patience, especially if your dog has never participated before.

Step-by-step instructions:

1. prepare the treats: have the treats or snacks ready. You can cut them into small pieces to place in different hiding places.

2. start the game: call your dog to you and make him sit or stand to get his attention.
3. show him a treat: Show your dog a treat and let him see you hide it in a room he can enter. This can be a room or an area in the house.

Let your dog search: Send your dog out to find the treat. You can encourage him by saying, "Find the treat!" or "Find it!".

Reward him: As soon as your dog has found the treat, praise him and reward him immediately. You can also praise him when he makes an effort, even if he doesn't find the hiding place immediately.

Increase the difficulty: Repeat the process and gradually increase the difficulty by placing the treats in harder-to-find hiding places or by hiding several treats at once.

Have fun: Make the game of hide and seek a fun activity for you and your dog. You can use different rooms and hiding places in the house to make the game interesting. Tips: Start with simple hiding places and increase the difficulty as your dog understands the game. Make sure your dog enjoys the game. If he gets frustrated, reduce the difficulty or take a break. Hide and seek is not only a great way to challenge your dog mentally, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend. Hide and seek is a fun and challenging activity that will suit your dog both physically and mentally, even if you are indoors.

2. intelligence toys

Intelligence toys for dogs are used to promote mental stimulation and thinking skills in dogs by giving them tasks to solve in order to receive rewards such as treats. This helps to avoid boredom, increase the dog's well-being and strengthen the bond between pet and owner. In this context, we would like to introduce the "Dog Activity Turn Around:
The Dog Activity Turn Around
Mental Challenge: Your dog wants to be mentally challenged to stay active and balanced. The Dog Activity Turn Around is a toy specifically designed to increase your dog's mental fitness.
Adjustable difficulty levels: This toy offers two different difficulty levels so you can adapt it to your dog's abilities. This keeps the game challenging whether your dog is a beginner or advanced.
Playful training: With the "Dog Activity Turn Around" you can playfully develop your dog's skills. Your dog learns to turn the rotating elements of the toy to get his reward.
Hidden treats: You can place treats in the Turn Around and your dog has to find the reward by turning the elements. The hidden food rewards your dog for his skill and keeps him motivated.
Variety in everyday life: This intelligence toy offers a fun change in your dog's everyday life. It keeps him busy and prevents boredom.
Safety note: Please note that you should only give the dog toy to your dog under supervision. Even with durable toys, small parts could be detached and swallowed. Regular checks for damage are important to ensure your dog's safety.
With the "Dog Activity Turn Around" from Trixie, you can not only offer your dog a mental challenge, but also bring fun and variety into his life. It's a great way to strengthen your bond and keep your dog active.

3. Hunde-Yoga (Doga)

Schon mal von Hunde-Yoga gehört? Dies ist eine einzigartige Möglichkeit , eine tiefere Bindung zu deinem Hund aufzubauen und ist als stressreduzierende Aktivität angedacht, die das Wohlbefinden von Dir und Deinem Vierbeiner steigern kann. Zudem ermöglicht Doga eine besondere soziale Interaktion und bietet eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, die gemeinsame Zeit mit dem Hund auf neue, achtsame Weise zu genießen.

So funktioniert es: 

1. Vorbereitung: Du und dein Hund sucht euch einen ruhigen Ort, oft im Freien oder in einem gemütlichen Raum. Ihr braucht beide Yogamatten. 

2. Starte mit Entspannung: Die Yogasession beginnt mit einer kurzen Entspannungs- oder Beruhigungsübung, um euch beide zur Ruhe kommen zu lassen. 
Das kann Atemübungen oder Meditation beinhalten. 

3. Mache Yoga-Übungen: Du führst verschiedene Yoga-Übungen durch, während dein Hund in deiner Nähe ist. 
Er kann auf deiner Yogamatte sitzen oder liegen und dabei gestreichelt oder beruhigt werden. 
4. Integriere deinen Hund: Manchmal werden die Hunde in die Yoga-Übungen einbezogen. Das kann bedeuten, dass du deinen Hund in eine bestimmte Position bringst, die zu den Übungen passt, oder dass er als sanfte Gewichtsbelastung in den Übungen verwendet wird.

5. Achte auf achtsame Interaktion: Doga fördert achtsame Interaktion zwischen dir und deinem Hund. Du beachtest die Bedürfnisse und das Verhalten deines Hundes und passt die Übungen entsprechend an. 

6. Entspannung am Ende: Die Yogasession endet oft mit Entspannungsübungen, bei denen du dich hinlegst und dich erholst. Dein Hund kann sich neben dir ausruhen. 

7. Gemeinsames Erlebnis: Doga geht über körperliche Übungen hinaus; es geht darum, eine gemeinsame Erfahrung mit deinem Hund zu teilen, Stress abzubauen und eure Bindung zu stärken